Our Portfolio

Good to Go
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
BeHello is a case brand perfectly suited for everyday life with an assortment of beautiful colors and materials for everybody!
BeHello was developed to help the consumer make the right choices regarding smartphone cases and tablet accessories. Consumers find the right cases quickly within the BeHello concept, arranged by device. The majority of the products within mobile accessories are unknown or at least has not yet proven its relevance to the consumer. As a result of this struggle, consumers often leave the store empty handed (85% of the time). And when they do buy something, it’s often only one accessory at thetime (81% of the time). BeHello’s mission is toremedy this!
• The case category needs differentiation–powerto stayrelevant
• We strive every day to create cases based onconsumer needs to increase user satisfaction
• We invest in research, brand & categorydevelopment and educating consumers
Our Brand Partners
Our clients represent Europe’s most innovative, differentiated and disruptive brands; from start–ups to industry leaders.